Tag Archives: Poetry and Shit

It’s Not A Sentimental Movie Sprint IV

“Beauty is truth, truth movies,–that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

John Keats usually wrote his letter in multi-color.

Back in the halcyon days of high school, the age of LJ’s and Myspaces and Drive-Thru & Vagrant Records, when movies about Texas roller derbies were just glimmers in the brain of a star of Charlie’s Angles: Full Throttle, when Furbies took the world by storm, I decided that reading poetry would be beneficial to me as a person and let me hone in on  the whole  literate & stylish, kissable & quiet (I was young and naive and really into Tell All Your Friends!) aesthetic. I asked my sister for some books and she gave me the collected poems of Robert Frost and the collected poems of John Keats. At the time, I was blinded by both a singular purpose and learning to drive,  so I didn’t get as much out of the poetry as I expected or wanted.

What does this mean for the movie Bright Star? Not a thing except that high school me definitely have dug it. Current me also digs it because it is a wonderful film! Continue reading

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